Cyber Crime Investigator

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Cyber Crime Investigator , Serchhip , Mizoram

We provide Cybercrime investigation services in Serchhip, Mizoram. We do investigation in cyber-crime cases or as e-crime cases in Serchhip, Mizoram. Any sort of fake Id made to harm a person reputation, frauds in electronic money transfers, cyber security threats, sending threatening mails, email frauds, electronic financial frauds etc… We undertake investigation in all cases pertaining to the cyber law / crime in Serchhip, Mizoram.

Our teams will investigate the e-crime cases containing:

  • Determination and generation of fake IDS to harm a reputation
  • Threatening Email
  • Frauds in electronic money transfer
  • Email / website hacking or email surveillance
  • Obscene Pornography or Offensive Content
  • Harassment
  • Credit card Frauds
  • Denial of service attack
  • Software piracy
  • IRC Crime
  • Net Extortion
  • Phishing
  • Salami attack
  • Any other case involving a crime through computer


We have a dedicated team of expert who are specialized in dealing in cyber-crime cases. Shall be us please to assist you, whenever you may require our services.

In case you are interested in our services please contact with us;

Contact: JKC


Phone: 9868106032 / 9810411824

Address: Serchhip, Mizoram