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Signature Matching and Comparison , Eranad , Kerala

We provide signature matching and comparison in Eranad, Kerala of two or more signatures and help you determining whether these signatures are executed or written by one and the same person.

We are one of the oldest forensic consultancy organization who is providing signature matching and comparison in Eranad, Kerala. Our report for signature matching and comparison are admissible in the court of law. We have submitted several reports of signature matching and comparison in the court of law.

All our signature matching and comparison experts are trained professionals and are having an experience for several years. Our services in signature matching and comparison are used by financial institutes, Banks, Law enforcements agencies, common man, lawyers, Business firms etc etc.

We have a state of art lab for signature matching and comparison and we use international acceptable standards to determine the genuineness of the signature.

Signature matching and comparison services rendered by our organization in Eranad, Kerala:

* Signature matching and comparison in civil cases,
* Signature matching and comparison on dispute documents,
* Signature matching and comparison on forged WILLs,
* Signature Verification on forged cheque,
* Signature Verification on resignation letter,
* Signature Verification on property documents,
* Signature Verification on payment receipts,
* Signature matching and comparison on Power of Attorney,
* Signature matching and comparison on Gift Deeds,
* Signature matching and comparison on Suicide Notes etc…

In case you are interested in our services please contact with us;

Contact: J. K. Consultancy


Phone: +91-9868106032

Address: Eranad, Kerala